Sunday, November 21, 2010

You Should Return to Your WoW Warrior for Cataclysm Wowgold-use

Returning a few weeks, wrote Grumpy's Ol 'guide Cataclysm example protocol. Since I was a general message, not specifically focused on the warriors, which made it strange and weird, and I got my hands all itchy. Trying to think of things from the perspective of a ranged DPS or a healer just makes my head hurt. (To be fair, if you've seen int average score of the warrior, you understand my difficulty United Stated.)

So now I'll try to provide a more focused warrior new Cataclysm bodies and how we have to change and move forward. I'm going to try and provide some tips for people who are returning to cheap wow gold World of Warcraft after a pause. I'm going to assume at least have a familiarity with the class of the days of The Burning Crusade, if nothing else. (This column will be very, very long if I tried to summarize everything from classical to present day.)

So if you're coming to the game and your warrior, what has changed? Enough.

A new world

Frankly, if you play in The Burning Crusade, or even vanilla and stopped short of anger, you may not have any real difficulty to adapt to new instances. Certainly have much work to relearn their class, of course, but the cases themselves will establish the way of remembering. However, if left for anger (especially once Ulduar left), then you are probably familiar enough with the basics of how the class struggle. Of course I'll have to re-learn things, and you definitely have to readjust to a slower cell.

First let's cover the basics of class buy wow gold changes for returning players. If you missed the era of the wrath of all United Stated, you can not even know about the various forms specs have changed and developed talent from BC.

All technical specifications begin specialization warrior at level 10. When you spend your talent for the first time in a given tree - be it arms, fury or protection - is regarded as an arms race, fury or protection warrior. You gain a special attack and passive skills linked to your specification to make you feel like an embargo on arms, fury or protection warrior thereafter. Talents have been largely redesigned many passive talents have been included in the circumstances and capacities, and instead of winning a talent at all levels after level 10, you win more or less a talent at all levels of others. Levels at which you do not get a talent point tend to be those in which you get new skills.
armor penetration, which has existed in one form or another from the edge of Bonereaver, is gone. The stat that actually replaces the domain. Masters actually does what the specification does best, and each has its own domain specifications bonus (which we will discuss in turn.)
specifications about the weapons is still a big gun in both hands. But Mortal Strike healing disadvantage is reduced by a cataclysmic 10 percent to 50 percent can remember (in vivo, is currently 25 percent), and the warriors that their ability to gain weapon specialization at level 10 , along with anger management and two-handed Weapon Specialization. We've covered the domain ability, opportunity strikes, in detail last week. If you remember the old sword specialization talent is similar.
Fury specifications is still about double grip. If you have played in the vanilla and BC, can recognize talent Fury of one mind and his style of play, both armed with two handed weapons United Stated. If you play in anger, remember you get closer to Titan's grip using two big guns in both hands, one in each hand. All fury warriors get Bloodthirst at level 10 as your special attack and Dual Wield Specialization and precision passive skills. The domain has been removed fury Fury, which amplifies the effects anger or abilities that require rage.
protection specifications is quite different if just collapsed in vanilla or BC, which is much better. It is now much more damage than they did in the old days, in part because of $3 the threat to the capabilities passive switches (either positive or negative) have been removed and the threat in Defensive Stance bonus increased to compensate. Shield Slam, which was a capability of talent in classic WoW and BC and became a standard capacity for all warriors in Wrath, is now a possibility of specialization for protection warriors, along with Sentinel and revenge. The warrior is critical domain block, which allows a prot warrior to block for double the standard amount.
This is much to take, but for the player returning, we can summarize in a measure and that you experience in the game. Basically, at level 10, you spend your first talent point, and from that time until it has gone from 31 points (to win a talent point $3 every other level or far less), which is contained in that tree talent and can not spend any points in a tree outside of specifications. Once you've spent 31 points, trees outside the open specifications for you. Many talents that fans have been redesigned always passive or bent postures or skills, so that, although it has less talent points to spend, you also do not need to spend talent points for many of the skills that make you able to do you intend to do anyway.

This is familiar

What has not changed? Well, the warriors still tank with a gun in one hand and a shield. Arms warriors still a great weapon to use two hands, and if you play in anger, he recognizes its priority system based on processes. fury warriors still have two arms, but now you can use a pair of arms of a hand or two hands, depending on what suits you.

In addition, rabies is normal. So far, there has been a disaster that could have been, but should be aware of it. If you are used to model the rage of age when they are starving because of the anger steadily to reach a certain speed turning point and then having rabies without limits - the model is dead. Their rage generation $3 will be more or less the same no matter how it is oriented, with the exception of the rush that has the potential to increase the rage by increasing your rage generation melee.

Now that we've covered all this, how are the different instances?

Deep in the dungeon

Again, if you're a vanilla / baby before Christ who has not had at all in anger, not really find much to learn again here. CC will (not available) necessary for the great strip until the group outgears them. If you are a DPS warrior, you have to do AoE attacks (Bladestorm, Thunder Clap, Sweeping Strikes, Whirlwind, Cleave), and to have a good chance to break both CC and pulling agro. If collapsed in the periods of time, you must dial strip and sometimes give people assignments, as then.

If you are an angry baby, especially one played in anger after nearly everyone had at least iLevel 219 or better equipment may be used for running instances and particularly zerging mulch. This probably will happen once everyone is running wow gold raid, but for the first few months, you'll have to deal with cases Cataclysm how that anger instances when we were all starting. Believe it or not, people generally do not throw two or three packages of trash and burn for the first time he ran Utgarde.

In general, expect that inflation will be a team much less dramatic in the cataclysm that ended up being in anger. Since there will be no separate breakdown for 10 - and 25-man raids will not be necessary to break for 10, 10 heroics, heroism 25 and 25, this means that each new level of search will have to balance higher levels 25-man gear to the latest level of 10 seconds, and so on. One result of this, however, is that heroic dungeons seems harder for longer.

Unlearning bad habits

Basically, it boils down to good habits vs bad habits. Gear inflation created many players (including a large number of warriors) the idea that it was OK and even desirable to unleash hell in just a moment to another, without worrying constantly out of mana or threat. People create a false sense of urgency are constantly intimidating other players to go faster, pull over and generally burns through the body, not as a game for fun, but rather as if cleaning or cleaning raingutters animal feces.

Frankly, this attitude has always existed, is not exclusive of anger. (As any warrior tank the time before Christ was rejected by a 5-man, because "a paladin / druid can put more AoE" he recalls. ) But anger, a spiral curve change, the biggest threat to the AoE tanks, new tank class and the most radical changes in the grouping system (LFD a new tool that far better than almost defy explanation) combined to create a moment of absolute saturation impatient players who wanted to burn through a dungeon as fast as possible.

Make no mistake: this is a behavior that the first months of Cataclysm will punish you for, especially as a warrior. Tank in a responsible manner, ensuring that your healer wow gold regain mana and not to dwell unduly on his or her super big jerks. Ignore any complaints about the pace. DPS with an eye toward using area of effect only when the threat has been established or CC is in the range. Do not try to get all the zerg. If you do this, you should be fine and find that despite all the changes, Cataclysm is not an entirely new game for you.

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